Private Health Service Plans (PHSP) for Canadian Businesses


Claim Forms

You can scan and email completed claim forms and reciepts to:

PDF Options

Click on the PDF link below or to save to your computer hard drive, right click on link and select "Save Target As".

  • Manual PDF    Print this file and fill it in manually

  • Fillable PDF    Save this file and fill it in on your computer. This file can also be opened and filled in within many browsers like Google Crome, Microsoft Explorer, and Firefox.

If the file will not open, please either allow "pop ups" from Coast Mountain Benefits or right click the item and and select "Open in new tab"

Get Adobe Reader to access files in .pdf format

Microsoft Excel Option

The following file must be saved to your computer hard drive.
To do so please right click on the link and select "Save Target As".  Some browsers will let you click on the link and give you the option to save the file.